Update on all of our Contests!

 Posted by at 10:07 pm on March 16, 2011
Mar 162011


Congratulations to Tammy Bishop for winning the pair of tickets to see Kenny Chesney in concert tomorrow night at the Cruzan Amphitheater in West Palm Beach!  Big thanks to Live Nation Florida for providing these tickets for us to give away.  We hope everyone has a great time tomorrow night, and make sure you check your phone throughout the night for possible prizes to be given away via Facebook.  Since all of our Facebook posts automatically are sent to Twitter, the easiest way to know when we post a treasure hunt contest is to sign up for twitter, follow us (@sflcountrymusic), and change the settings to have our tweets sent to your phone as a text message.  We just might have some really cool tickets to give away for certain future shows at the Cruzan Amphitheater!   😉

Congratulations to Stacy Gouge for winning a Zac Brown CD.   This was an unannounced Trivia Question contest, which Stacy found under the Contest Tab and answered correctly.  The question was, “What did Charlie Rich do with the envelope that proclaimed John Denver the Country Music Association’s 1975 Entertainer of the Year?”  And she answered correctly that he set it on fire.  Check back often for more of these unannounced contests!  You never know when we’ll post another one!

Lastly, we’re thrilled to announce that we now have over 4,000 fans on Facebook.  To celebrate this milestone, we are giving away a Frankie Ballard autographed photo.  To enter, check the Contests Tab of the website.

Thank you all for making the first 12 days of our website’s launch a resounding success!  The traffic we’re experiencing far exceeds what we expected, and we hope that ya’ll keep coming back often!  The more traffic we get, the higher our selling power is with advertisers and partners, which means we get to give you bigger, better, and more frequent prizes!